Water Natuurlijk Vallei en Veluwe
The Water Board Elections (waterschapsverkiezingen) will take place on March 15th 2023. You can vote if you are a resident in the Netherlands. What are you voting for? How do you vote?
Water Natuurlijk: your green vote in the Water Authority. Naturally
Now: clean and healthy streams and rivers. Naturally
To be able to drink water from our rivers in the future, we must work together on clean and flowing streams in the Vallei and the Veluwe. A large effort is required to achieve the 2027 goals as set by the European Water Guidelines. Water Natuurlijk will continue to invest in fish ladders (fishways) and nature friendly banks, to expand the habitat of native fish. We also want agriculture, industry, and our residents to be economical with drinking water and groundwater. We want to limit agricultural and industrial groundwater extractions and prohibit it in times of drought.
Now: green and climate adaptive towns and villages. Naturally
Water Natuurlijk wants to use natural solutions against the consequences of climate change. For example, in the towns and villages in the area of Vallei and Veluwe we want to combat the effects of heat stress through more water and nature. In addition, water and soil should be the determining factor in spatial development, for example in housing developments.
Water Natuurlijk wants that the connection of rainwater drainage and collecting rainwater, becomes the new norm for renovation and new building work. We are looking for space for water to drain into streams and other watercourses. We do this to prevent problems through heavy rainfall, but also to be able to minimise the basic drainage and thus prevent dehydration.
Now: a sustainabe future for agriculture. Naturally
Water Natuurlijk is pro nature-friendly and circular agriculture in the Vallei and Veluwe. We support organic farmers and help the regular farmers to make the transition. We want to stimulate a healthy soil, because it acts like a sponge: it retains water in drought and absorbs water during heavy rainfall.
We want the water authority to recover nutrients from human waste in order to complete the cycle. We want to strengthen valuable landscape, biodiversity and nature, this includes maintaining or raising groundwater levels, like in the Veluwe.
Now: a green and fair tax system. Naturally
The polluter pays. Water Natuurlijk thinks that is logical and just. But there is still pollution from industry and regular agriculture in the Vallei and Veluwe without them paying enough for water.
In addition, we are in favor of exemption of water board taxes for people on low incomes.
Now: enjoy water. Naturally
Let us not forget to enjoy water. With the development of a more natural water system, it becomes increasingly more attractive to walk and cycle along streams, waterways and canals. Water Natuurlijk wants to actively promote this attraction, by creating routes along beautiful areas of waterways. The Netherlands is built on and around water, we Dutch live with water. Let us be aware of that and let’s make sure that our grandchildren can also still enjoy it to the fullest.
Now: a climate neutral Water Authority. Naturally
Water Natuurlijk wants the Vallei and Veluwe Water Authority to take an active role in energy transition and that the Water Authority itself is climate neutral in 2030. In the near future, the Water Authority will start supplying energy to our environment. We want to invest the extra income from this energy supply in becoming greener and more sustainable, including strengthening the circularity: extracting raw materials from waste water at our sewage treatment plants.
Now: a reliable and innovative Water Authority. Naturally
Thinking and acting sustainably. We can only achieve our goals through working together, looking closely at history, to embrace new developments by investing in the future.
Water Natuurlijk has for many years, been a reliable and innovative partner in the Board of the Vallei and Veluwe Water Authority and we want it to remain so. Therefore, we need your vote!
Now: the Water Authority becomes the climate authority. Naturally
Climate change is unavoidable and requires measures now, that limit the effects as much as possible. Thereby, we must prepare for the effects of the change on our daily environment. Climate is inextricably linked with water and this is therefore under the expertise of the water authority. Water Natuurlijk wants the water authority to become a climate authority and take initiative in adapting to climate change, improving soil, water and biodiversity.
Water Natuurlijk: your green vote in the Water Authority. Naturally
Water Board Elections. 15 March 2023
Did you receive a voting card?
Many residents will be able to take part in the water board elections even if they don’t have Dutch nationality. That is the case for European Union citizens, and for anyone living in the Netherlands with a valid residence permit.
Why should you vote for the water board?
The water boards levy taxes. Fortunately, we taxpayers are able to decide what that money is spent on by electing representatives. So let’s make use of that right!
What does the water board do?
The Netherlands has 21 water boards. The Vallei & Veluwe water board is one of them.
The job of the water boards is to prevent flooding, make sure sewage water is purified and make sure there is enough water in the Netherlands’ canals, ditches and streams.
Why should you vote for the water board?
The water boards levy taxes. Fortunately, we taxpayers are able to decide what that money is spent on by electing representatives. So let’s make use of that right!
Vote for Water Natuurlijk!
Water Natuurlijk (literally ‘water naturally’) is a national party that champions the interests of nature, the landscape and recreation. We do this in your locality, in partnership with municipalities, residents and businesses. We believe the water board should make every effort to tackle climate change. We want to extract raw materials from sewage water. And we want our water to be free of medicine residues and microplastics.
We are one of the eight biggest parties in the Vallei & Veluwe water board, each with three seats on the governing board. Our list of candidates is headed by Astrid Meier, our party chair. Frans ter Maten represents Water Natuurlijk in the executive committee. The Water Natuurlijk members work every day to give you clean, safe, healthy and affordable water.
More information
To find out more about the plans of Water Natuurlijk:
See our election programme (in Dutch): https://waternatuurlijk.nl/med...
Vallei & Veluwe water board offers advice on who to vote for. See (in Dutch): https://mijnstem.nl
How do you vote?
At least two weeks before the elections, eligible voters will receive two voting cards, one for the water board election and (if a Dutch national) one for the provincial council election.
On Wednesday 15 March 2023, you go to a polling station with your voting card(s). You will also need to take your passport, driving licence or ID card. Even if it has expired, you will be allowed to vote as long as the expiry date is less than five years ago.
Your vote is valid if you colour one square red on the ballot paper. It is invalid if you fill in more than one square or write or draw on the paper.